Ngulchu Gyalsas Thogmed Zangpo s The Thirty Seven Practices of a Budhisattva is one of Tibetan Buddhism s most popular text incorporated in the Mind Training text and also able to be explained according to the Lam Rim tradition. Its advice is timeless and its relevance is univers.This commentary by His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama as expounded during Kalackra reaching at Budha Gaya is characterised by its clarity practi ality and profundity. Each stanza of the root text is elucidared precisely and in accessible Addition His Holiness the Dalai Lama gives introductory talks at the start of each day of teaching in which he touches on every aspect of our daily lives. Studying this text leads us to feel that His Holiness is speaking directly to each one of us and it is universal in its application.When applied and practised with sincerity this teaching will develop an individual s warm-hearted compassion. This the contents of this book will be beneficial to Buddhist scholars and general readers alike.
Isbn No. 818510297X
Author: Dalai Lama
Publisher: Library of Tibetan Works & Archives
Binding: Paperback
Language : English
Edition: 1
No. Of Pages : 110
Year Of Publication : 2014