Book Details

'Discourses on Bodhicharyavatara'
Rs.596.00 Rs.745.00

Bodhicharyavatara composed in the 8th century the Indian scholar Santideva is one of the most celebrated text of Mahayana Buddhism. Its Tibetan translation is included in the Tengyur. Archarya Santideva himself was a bodhisattva and realized tantric adept and his writings have a unversa timeless appeal. Many ancient scholars wrote Sanskit commentaries on Bodhichryavatara prominent among them being Vibhurichandra. Krishnapada Kamalsila Vairochan and Prajnakaramti. Besides its Tibetan translation by such masters as Sarvajnadeva Dharmasribhadra and Sumatikirti this great classic was also translated into chiness French German English and Italian Languages.The present work is an English translation of His Holiness the Dalai Lama s discourses on Bodthicharyavatara give to the Himalayan devotees from Lahaul Spiti Kinnaur and the Tibetan residents at Kullu-Manali Himachal Pradesh in 1981. His Holiness himself has received this teaching from the great Himalayan master Khunu Lama Tenzin Gyaltsen of Kinnaur. Author : Bodhicharyavatara composed in the 8th century A.D. by the Indian scholar Santideva is one of the most celebrated texts of Mahayana Buddhism. The present work is an English translation of His Holiness the Dalai Lama s discources on Bodhicharyavatara given to the Himalayan devotees from Lahaul Spiti Kinnuaur and the Tibetan residents at Kullu-Manali Himachal Pradesh in 1981.

Isbn No.    9789387023079

Author:    Dalai Lama , Parmananda Sharma

Publisher:    Library of Tibetan Works & Archives

Binding:    Paperback

Language :   English

Edition:    1

No. Of Pages :    353

Year Of Publication :   2017

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