Ge-sar is the most extraordinary Tibetan legendary figure and remains despite various unsuccessful attempts to tie him down into a context of historical reality a great mythological character.The figure of Ge-sar has served as a repository of traditions that through the corridor of the Eurasian steppe belt reach back into the world of Germanic and Greek legends and into Megalithic religious beliefs.The hero Ge-sar sent down from heaven and returned thereto has indicated in the course of his eventful journey on earth that on the occasion of his return the hope for a reign of justice and peace and the striving for salvation and liberation will be fulfilled. Thus Ge-sar is both hero and saviour at once.In this text Professor Hummel manages to bring to life one of the most fascinating legends of world literature. Author - Siegbet Hummel was born in Rodewisch Germany in 1998 and after completing his studies as a commercial clerk began in 1926 to study theology and philosophy then art history and oriental disciplines ( Egyptology Tibetolgy Sinology Japanese and Mongolian studies)at the universities of Tiibingen Rostock Leipzig and Munich. After obtaining his doctorate in 1944 with Prof. Erkes in Leipzig ( Sinology) he was first keeper of the Asian section and there after director of the Museum fur Volkerkunde in Leipzig from 1947 until his dismissal in 1955 (due to political reasons).Sine 1955 Prof. Hummel has been living in retirement in a small village in Vogtland (Saxony).
Isbn No. 8186470204
Author: Siegert Hummel
Publisher: Library of Tibetan Works & Archives
Binding: Paperback
Language : English
Edition: 1
No. Of Pages : 117
Year Of Publication : 1998