Fifty Stanzas on the Spiritual Teacher (formerly titled Fifty Stanzas on Guru Devation ) by Aryashura is an indispensable text that deals with how to cultivate the proper relationship between a student and his or her Spiritual Teacher.This text along with the oral commentary by the LTWA translation bureau and revised by Dr. Alx Berzin.
Author : Fifty Stanzas on the Spiritual Teacher was written in about first century B.C. by Ashavaghosha. This Indian poet was known by many such as Aryashura Matricheta Parricheta Marichitra and Bhavideva and was a contemporary of King Kanishka of the Kushan Dynasty. Having previously been a strong non-Buddhist believer he become an extremely devout follower of the Buddhas path writing many works on its various aspects.
Isbn No. 8185102872
Author: Arya Sura , Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey
Publisher: Library of Tibetan Works & Archives
Binding: Paperback
Language : English
Edition: 1
No. Of Pages : 27
Year Of Publication : 2001