Studies on Tibetan refugees are many but almost all by European scholars. There are mainly three shortcomings in such studies. One they mostly deal with adaptation problems without properly defining this concept or outlining its boundaries. Second most studies published so far have been carried out in areas which are physically culturally and linguistically completely different from what is obtained in Tibet. And third many of such studies have not been able to claim to have overcome the last shortcoming of most earlier scholars the first two have been overcome to a large extent.The Darjeeling-Skkim Himalaya being physically culturally and linguistically to a larg extent simillar to what exits in Tibet the adaptation of the Tibetan refugees there was theoretically expected to be better. But the present study finds that under such circumstances the refugees often tended to cross the boundaries of adaptation and enter into the field of assimilation and where there was no difference of any sort such as in Bhutan there was a situation married by conflict too.This book is based on schedules administered to the heads of 80 households. sampled form three principal concentrations of the Tibetan refugees in the region viz. Kalimpong Gangtok and Ravangla in South Sikkim However the findings there are compared with the findings in other major Tibetan settlments in India Bhutan and Nepal.Such comparisons are not always based on full-fledged studies but on reconstrudctions of stray information and personal knoweledge.The theorctical framework of this book is clearly parsonian with all its limitations and appropariatensess under a refugee situation.This book is divided into eight chapters. The fist is on the concepts theoretical framework and method.The third is mainly on where they are and what kind of Indian and overseas help they are getting. The fourth is an attempt to show how close racial cultural linguistic and religious connections the Tibetans have with their hosts in the region. The fifth deals with their economic adaptation on the basis of occupational change and income distributtion. the sixth is on how the social system of the Tibetan refuges is adapting to the wider social system and how the latter is accommodating the former. The seventh capter makes a comparative analyses of all adapation studies so far published or unpublihsed on these refugees and draw some broad generalizations. The book ends with some futuristic remarks on their culture politics and nationality.
Isbn No. 8185102775
Author: Tanka B. Subha
Publisher: Library of Tibetan Works & Archives
Binding: Paperback
Language : English
Edition: 1
No. Of Pages : 184
Year Of Publication : 2002