The Joy of Living and Dying in Peace underscores the importance of "practice" of awareness through meditation compassion patience and effort in lending rich and joyous meaning to this lifetime and so to our passage to the next. His Holiness the Dalai Lama offers his thoughts on achieving a meaningful life and death. At the heart of his eloquent presentation is this lesson: by cultivating compassion wisdom and positive thought and action in short by living a good life we can approach death without fear or regret and welcome our passage and rebirth. He teaches that the way to a peaceful death is to live a meaningful life by practicing love and compassion. The book also provides straightforward lessons on how to embrace death and impermanence which ultimately leads to a life of peace joy and spiritual fulfillment. This volume contains recollections about Gendun Chophen a man with formidable intellect and strong patriotism told by people who had known him closely or less intimately at various times during his life or had first-hand information about him. Compiled by the 11th Kirti Rinpoche the original Tibetan version was published in 1983 by the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives. The purpose of this English translation is to reach wider readership and provide an important source of information about Gendun Chophel for his fans in general and scholars and others who want to do research on him. The following poem that he composed just before his death gives a glimpse of his life.
Author : Gendin Chophel was born in the village of Shopang in Rebkong Amdo. There is a slight variation in the year of his birth from biography to biography.Rakra Tethong s Biography of Gendian Chophel states that he was born in 1904 or 1995. According to Jeffrey Hopkins Tibetan Arts of Love Dungkar Lobsang Trinely s Great Dictionary and Kirti Rinpoches dge dun phel gyi rab byed zhabs btags ma his birth year was 1903. Sherab Gyastso gives his birth date is 1905. Naga Sangye Tandar in his articale "Life date of Gendun Chophel" in Tibet Journal vol. 36 suggested 1901 as the year of his birth.
Isbn No. 9789380359830
Author: Kirti Rinpoche , Yeshi Dhondup
Publisher: Library of Tibetan Works & Archives
Binding: Paperback
Language : English
Edition: 1
No. Of Pages : 154
Year Of Publication : 2013