Book Details

'Life of the Buddha'
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About the Book This is a comic book for children to introduce the life of Buddha and his teaching. Illustration is in color. It is hoped that the children around the world will be encouraged to read more about this apostle of non-violence. The book will help children learn and enjoy reading the life of the great saint who came to teach us the power of love and compassion and deliver the world from samsara. Buddha and his teachings can be considered one of the greatest contributions of Indian civilization to mankind. Born as a prince to the powerful Shakya King Siddhartha had everything in the world he could think of. He was provided with a happy and luxurious life away from the suffering and misery of the the human world. However as destiny would have it forsaking all the riches and glamour of the palace he took to a life of a wandering ascetic in search of the truth. He listened and studied under some wise saints of the time. He was not impressed because the teachings did not lead to the revelation of the truth and deliverance of beings from suffering. He practiced severe penance for six years but this also failed to reveal the truth to him. He shunned the two extreme approaches and adopted the middle way as implied to him by the dakinis. With this he attained enlightenment Nirvana. He taught the people about the four noble truths and the eight-fold path. True to the prophecy of the sages he conquered the world not with swords but with his teachings. From India Buddhism spared to China. Tibet and throughout South East Asia. Today Buddhism is travelling quickly to Western countries. Here we have reproduced the life of Buddha for children around the world.

Isbn No.    979-8186230625

Author:    Tsewang Gyalpo Arya

Publisher:    Paljor Publications

Binding:    Paperback

Language :   English

Edition:    2

No. Of Pages :    31

Year Of Publication :   2019

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