For centuries Dharma students have traditionally studied Nagarjuna s Letter to a Friend for it provides a concise and thorough introduction to the entire Buddhist path practice. By examining the Four Noble Truths and the Six Perfec-tions Nagarjuna describes logically and poetically the internal patterns of experience which leads a person to buddhahood. Nagarjuna wrote this letter to his friend King Satavahana in order to alert him to the worldly impurities especially in discharging his royal activities and to integrate spiritual values into his daily life. In this respect his advice is still of special interest to those who wish to cultivate a religious practice while continuing to live and work in society. The commentary accompanying Nagarjuna s epistle was composed by Venerable Rendawa Zhön-nu Lo-drö. This famous scholar hailed from the great "Sa-sKya" monastery in north central Tibet. During the initial period of their relationship he served as a teacher to the renowned song-Khapa later they instructed each other. Rendawa s commentary is quite clear and simple and suitable for all levels of students. This book teaches the basics of Buddhist religious practice for beginners and advanced students both laymen and monks.
About : The Tibetan Tengyur ( Collection of Translated Sastras) contains more than a hundred titles accredited to the pen of Acarya Nagarjuna. Many of these attaiined a high degree of popularity in Tibtet serving as important foundations and guidelines in the development of all the four great traditions of Tibetan Buddhism.One of the most practical and yet profound works by the Acarya is Suhrellekha or Letter to A Friend. Its importance in the Tibetan tradition is indicated by the fact that several dozen commentaries of varyingn leghts have been written to it over the centuries by great lama-scholars of all the schools. These commentaries generally do not differ radically in their interpretation of the actual root text but rather because the root text presetns the entire view activity and meditaion constituting the path to enlightenment they bring out and elucidate specific aspects of Letter.The present volume contains the commentary of the master Rendawa one of the greatest lamas of the Sakya tradition teaching during the late 14th and early 15th centuries. Because Rendawa s commentary presents and interpretation generally acceptable to all Tibetan traditions it is hoped that its publication in English may be of particular value to all students and scholars of Tibetan Buddhism. The translators Geshe Lobsang Tharchin and Artemus B.Engle are to be congrahilated both for the thoroughness of their efforts and clarity and simplicity of their expression.
Isbn No. 8185102015
Author: Rendawa Nagarjuna
Publisher: Library of Tibetan Works & Archives
Binding: Paperback
Language : English
Edition: 0
No. Of Pages : 146
Year Of Publication : 2016