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A Social- Economic Study of Tibetan Women in Dharamshala and Dehradun
The book is an empirical research done by Prof. Madhu Rajput on socio-economic status of Tibetan women in exile. Though the author has focused on Tibetan women at Dharamsala and Dehradun she takes readers to the era when Tibet was an independent nation narrating their livelihood and traditions. It is a story of skillful adapationthey displayed in the face of drastically change circumstances in exile to make their existence meaningful and contributory.
In Early 1060s during conflict migration and resettlemnt it were the Tibetan women and children who suffered the most as out of their sheltered existence they became vulnerable to various forms of gender based exploitation. As a result of light trauma anxiety andhardships of beginning a life in exile most of them suffer from psychological disorders which affect their social and family lives.
In addition to many subjects discussed in the book the author puts an effort to understand the challenges specific to Tibetan women and children and create sensitization on the issue.
ISBN-13 : 978-9387023796
Isbn No. 9387023796
Author: Madhu Rajput
Publisher: Library of Tibetan Works & Archives
Binding: Paperback
Language : English
Edition: 1
No. Of Pages : 294
Year Of Publication : 2019