Book Details

'Overview of Buddhist Tantra'
Rs.400.00 Rs.500.00

General Presentation of the Classes of Tantra Captivating the Minds of the Fortunate Ones

English translation by

Martin J.Board & Losang Norbu Tsonawa

From back of the book

The Overview of Buddhist Tantra subtitled general presentation of the classes of Tantra captivating the minds of the fortune ones is a scholarly exposition of the framework of Tantric practice presented by its author Panchen Sonam Dragpa in a methodical and accessible manner.

Detailed explanations within this book include: the historical emergence of Buddhism in our world as interpreted by various Buddhist traditions; the differing tenets of the sects and the differences between the vehicles (yanas); the doors to the path to liberation; and the classes of Tantric practice leading to that state of liberation.

This book will prove to be an invaluable reference text for practitioners of Buddhist Tantra as well as being informative for readers interested in Buddhist Tantra in particular and in Tibetan Buddhism in general.

Isbn No.    8185102996

Author:    Panchen Sonam Dragpa

Publisher:    Library of Tibetan Works & Archives

Binding:    Paperback

Language :   English

Edition:    1

No. Of Pages :    159

Year Of Publication :   2014

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