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'The Harmony of Emptiness and Dependent-Arising: Tsong Khapa'
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The Harmony of Emptiness and Dependent-Arising is a commentary to Tsong Khapa’s The essence of Eloquent speech Praise to the Buddha for Teaching profound Dependent-Arising. The subject of the work concerns two important themes of Buddhist philosophy: emptiness and dependent-arising.

All schools of Buddhism expound theories and dependent-arising but their interpreptations vary greatly and are even contradictory. Here Ven. Lobsang Gyatso very skilfully explains these two theories through logical analysis combined with simple and wonderful illustrations.

Late Ven Losang Gyatso was born in Kham province Tibet in 1928 and educated at Drepung Monastic University. He escaped from Tibet in 1959 and was one of the first trained Tibetan teachers in exile and was also a member of the Tibetan Committee of Council for Tibetan Education. In 1973 with the blessing of H. H. the Dalai Lama he toured and lectured in many countries of the world has authored many book articles. Above all he is a meditation master who lives his life according to the Buddhist philosophy of wisdom and compassion.

The author wishes to thank all of the people who assisted in the preparation of this work who by offering their time and energy in numerous ways serve as a fine illustration of how series of inter-related events can give rise to a successful result. Tushita Retreat Centre Dharamsala provided the setting and was responsible for the request that teachings be given. Effie Hanchett and Sam Doharty under-took the task of recording the teachings which were translated by Sherab Gyatso. Effie took upon herself the work of transcribing and then Tanzin Losel assiduously edited the bulk of the material assisted in later stages by L. Chophel Gangchenpa. Effie Ngawang Palden Gareth Sparham and Tenxin shared the word-processing work.

Publisher’s Note
This work by Ven. Lobsang Gyatso titled “The Harmony Emptiness and Dependent-Arising” is a commentary to Tsong Khapa’s The Essence of Eloquent Speech praise to the Buddha for Teaching Profound central themes of Buddhist philosophy –emptiness and dependent-arising.
All schools of Buddhism expound theories of emptiness and dependent-arising but their interpretations vary greatly and are even contradictory. Here the author very skilfully explains the complementary nature of the different schools and how they gradually lead to the highest school of thought –Prasangika Madhyamika. All explanations are given through logical analysis combined with simple yet wonderful examples.

This work is a welcome contribution in that it is by a mediation master who is a man of great learning and who has many years of practical teaching experience. We hope that the readers will gain profound analytical insight into the view of dependent –arising and thus be able to proceed their journey on the Mahayana path to the state of great enlightenment.

We would like to thank to Ven. Lobsang Gyatso for this valuable contribution not only in the study of emptiness and dependent arising but on Buddhism as a whole. Our thanks also goes to Losang Chophel Ganchenpa for proff-reading the material and for his suggestions.

Isbn No.    8186470417

Author:    Ven. Lobsang Gyatso

Publisher:    Library of Tibetan Works & Archives

Binding:    Paperback

Language :   English

Edition:    1

No. Of Pages :    108

Year Of Publication :   2006

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