The Heavenly White Crane :- This story is one of the best-loved Japanese folk tales. It has inspired and educated many to realize the folly of greed and the importance of gratitude. Greedy pursuit ultimately ends-up destroying the very happiness we seek. Mahatma Gandhi has rightly said "Nature has provided enough for human s need but not enough for human s greed."This story reminds us to live contently and to be grateful for what we have. It also illustrated the importance of moral ethics in daily life. It should be noted that there are two different versions of this story adpated here is the one which tells us about containing out greed and being grateful.
Isbn No. 978-8186230770
Author: Tsewang Gyalpo Arya
Publisher: Paljor Publications
Binding: Paperback
Language : Japanese Text with English Translation
Edition: 1
No. Of Pages : 24
Year Of Publication : 2012