For many centuries eminent scholar. Lamas and accomplished Siddhis of India and Tbet had collaborared in producing a vast literary corpus translated into Tibetan from Sanskrit involving years of hard labour and patient persevernce. Direct translations into Tibetan of such sacred and monumental works as the Tripitaka the Tantra Sastras (recognized as the direct expressions of the Buddha) and the commentaries and expositions of such great figures as Nagarjuna Asanga and the others collectively known as the Six Ornamets and Two Excellencies were produced. These traslated texts were studied practised and propagated and in the process fresh expositions were added.The Dharma Flourished like golden sunshine in the Land of Snows. This period the most glorious chapter in the annals of Tibet is a personal source of pride to the Tibetans.As a high-water-mark of intellectual civilisation its significance is timeless.It is in the very fitness of things that we Tibetans should ever remember in gratitude those great persongages of bygone Tibet. Author : This comprehensive English - Tibetan Dictionary compiled and edited by Dhongthog Tanpi Gyalrshan is much welcomed. It fills an important gap in our present needs.It is my sincere hope that more learned scholars will come forward in the near future and participate actively in making every field of study availed in the Tibetan Language. It is also my hope that the rich Buddhist philosophy and its deep meanings which now exist only in the Tibetan language can be made available to all those who are interested in them.
Isbn No. 818647031X
Author: T.G. Dhongthog
Publisher: Library of Tibetan Works & Archives
Binding: Hardback
Language : English
Edition: 1
No. Of Pages : 450
Year Of Publication : 2002