The Treasure of the Ancestral Clans of Tibet Translation of Bod mibu gdong drug fir us mdzod me tog skied zhes bya ba bzhugs so somposed jointly by Gyilung Tashi Gyatso and Gyilung Thugchok Dorji Tibetan scholars in Tibet and published by the Religious Affairs Committee of Qinghai Prefecture. Based on various old Tibetan records folksongs biographies oral stories etc. this book discusses the origin of Tibetan People supporting the traditional Tibetan theory that Tibetans originated form a monkey father an emanation of Avalikiteshvara and a mother rock dwelling ogress. It tells us how the ancestral Tibetan clans or tribes got their names and how they branched out and spread through out Tibet with a special focus on Kham and its environs. It gives examples of many eminent personalities such as king’s high lamas siddhis chieftains etc. born to various clans. The authors skillfully draw a connection between Chinese astrology and identification of a person’s clan depending on the movement of his or her lips manner of breathing and body gesture while talking.This rus mdzod or genealogical account of Tibetan people is one of the most important sources of reference of study and research on the Tibetan race and ancient Tibetan tribes. This book contains both the English translation as well as the Tibetan text for the benefit of the readers.
Author : The Treasure of the Ancestral Tribes of Tibet is a translation of the Bod mi bu gslng drug gi rus mdzod me tog skied tshal zhes bya ba bzhugs so composed jointly buy Gyilung Tashi Gyatso and Gyilung Thugchok Dorji and Printed at Qinghai Nationality Publishing House published by the Religious Affairs committee of Qinghai.Based on various old Tibetan records folksongs biographic oral stories etc. this book discuss the origin of the Tibetan People supporting the traditional Tibetan theory that Tibetans originated from a monkey father an emanation of Avalokiteshvara and a mother rock-dwelling ogress. It tells us how the branched out and spread throughout Tibet with a special focus on Kham and its environs. It gives examples of many eminent personalities as kings high larmas siddhis chieftains etc. born to various clans. The authors skillfully draw a connection between on the movement of his or her lips manner of breathing and body gesture while talking.This rus mdzod or genealogical account of Tibetan people is one of the moist important sources of reference for study and research on the Tibetan race and ancient Tibetan tribes. Though I do not have special knowledge on the subject of rus mdzod I took the risk and ventures upon the translation of this work with the noble aim that my translation would at least lay a foundation for further improvement of the translation. Notwithstanding my great efforts to make this translation close to the source and readable to the readers. I am sure that I have made many errors and discrepancies in the translation for which I apologize to all the end of the English translation so that the readers in general and scholars in particular can consult the original sources whenever doubts and ambiguities arise in the translation. I hope all the readers both Tibetan and non- Tibetan will find this book useful at the same time I earnestly request the readers and scholars to kindly give suggestion comments corrections directly to the translator for the improvement of the translation.In conclusion I would like to acknowledgement the help of the following people who assisted me during the preparation of this work.Ven. Damchoe Palsang (Library of Tibetan Works and Archives) who explained to me many difficulty points in the Tibetan texts.Mrs. Daya and Katrina Moxey for checking and improving the English of my final draft translation.Tenzin Gyalten (Library of Tibetan Works and Archives) for helping me in proofreading the Tibetan text.Mr. Lobsang Shadtri Head of the Manuscript Department to the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives who readily gave advice to me whenever I approached him for help.Finally Venerable Geshe Lhakor Director of the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives for rechecking my translation and giving me an enthusiastic push thereby making this publication possible.Though I sought help form the above people to prepare in translation I am solely responsible for all the errors and mistakes in this work.
Isbn No. 9788186470909
Author: Gyilung Tashi Gyatso , Gyilung Thughcock Dorji , Yeshi Dhondup
Publisher: Library of Tibetan Works & Archives
Binding: Paperback
Language : English
Edition: 1
No. Of Pages : 168
Year Of Publication : 2009